Recent Posts by Tess Reutzel

Can I Move from San Diego with my Children?

Many clients contact me asking how the court orders involved in a custody case impact their right to move out of the county or out of the state, whether it is for a new job, being closer to family, or due to the high cost of living in San Diego.  While a divorce is pending, automatic orders are in place prohibiting a parent from traveling with the children out of the state, let alone moving with them.  Even after a divorce or paternity case is finalized, most orders prohibit a parent from moving the children outside the County of San Diego without a court order or agreement with the other parent.  So how do you go about being able to move?

The move away process is rather complicated in California, and is dependent upon the previous orders in the case.  Obviously, the court will take special consideration in move-away cases since...

Client Conflict Check

Attorneys – Check Out Client Conflict Check!

This article is for the many lawyer colleagues throughout the country that visit our website for useful information.  We wanted to pass on some information about a valuable resource to comply with the Professional Rules of Conduct and avoid conflicts of interest that we use in our firm.

Client Conflict Check provides a cloud-based, fast system that allows attorneys in a law firm to instantly check for conflicts of interest when a prospective client calls their office.  For a list of features that Client Conflict Check provides, click here.

*Note: This firm is not associated with Client Conflict Check and does not warrant its products or services.  This blog post is informational only.


Should I Keep the House in Our Divorce?

Many divorce clients in San Diego struggle with the decision of whether to keep their home during a divorce. With all the life changes inherently involved in a marital dissolution, many people prefer to hold on to the family home because it is a source of comfort. This is especially so when there are children involved and parents do not want to further disturb the norm. Staying in the home will allow children to stay in their current schools and continue their existing relationships with friends and neighbors in the community. While this may be the decision that seems right emotionally, there are several considerations to determine whether this decision is financially sound.

1) Can I Afford the Home?

The first question to ask is whether the home fits into your budget. When you are married, the family income works to support one household. Upon divorce, that...

ESPN Radio Interview

Tess Reutzel appeared live on ESPN radio on Friday, July 12, 2013, to discuss family law issues as they relate to real estate. It was a fun an informative segment! Audio bites to come soon…



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Law Offices of Tess Reutzel